
Nulle part qu’en haut désir. Montréal, Qc: Lévesque Éditeur, “Carnets d’écrivains.” 2021. 193p. ISBN 9782897631208 (Print) | ISBN 9782897631215 (PDF) | ISBN 9782897631239 (EPUB).

The publisher's presentation: Nulle part qu'en haut désir (Nowhere Than Ultimate Desire) is an original addition to the "Writers' Notebooks," a series edited by Robert Lalonde. Seasoned author Gaëtan Brulotte, winner of some fifteen literary awards, explores what literature means to him. He replaces the notions of style and beauty at the heart of the literary discourse, but he breathes new life into them by linking them to the empathic attention that the writer must bring to the diversity of beings, to human singularities, to the modesty of things and to the intensities of the world in their nuances. For him, writing is not just a question of technique, it comes from a vision that should ideally make the reader more sensitive, and therefore better.
As a good companion to creative thinking, this notebook sketches a sort of fragmentary intellectual autobiography around a life of perpetual quest for meaning. It deals with subjects as varied as humor and irony, exile, the relationship to language, preparatory work for writing, the role of note-taking, creative craft problems, the relationship of teaching with artistic engagement, the pleasure of interacting with the public, the need for inclusion, the mixing of genres and discourses. This far-sighted, stimulating book, sprinkled with a pinch of salt, aims to invigorate everyone's desire to read and write.

"Gaëtan Brulotte talks about what brought meaning to his life, namely the love of words, invented stories and the transformative power of literature. He delivers an authentic but, above all, very erudite testimony on his readings, his beginnings as a writer, as a teacher, and on what time has taught him. He discusses at length his attachment to the genre of the short story he still practices. " A-S. Leblanc, Instagram, May 13, 2021.